Check out this FAQ for replies to many common
questions, including how to become a Yarn artist, a Visdom brand
partner, and more!
Yes, this seems like an infinite loop!
We're here to help! Choose one of the emails below to get to the right team.
GetYarn is the best way to search, share, and discover video clips on the Internet. Similar to the way other search engines work, the majority of our content comes from indexing based on the best and most popular videos and search terms across the web. We organize all those clips so you can find the good content easier and share it out through your social channels.
Yes! Proper attribution is incredibly important to us. We want every YARN on our site to link back to its original creator. If you spot a source URL that is incorrect, please email with the Yarn URL and the link to the correct original source URL.
Having correct tags on our YARNs is essential for our user experience. If you see something is wrong, we want to know! Email with the YARN URL and any corrections needed.
We love working with brands to help power their YARNs. Visit find out more and learn more about what a partnership with Yarn entails.